I wanted to share a poem from a former student who had to relocate to the foothills of Arkansas last summer. I still think of Jennifer and her delicate grace. At her last class, I read this poem out loud during our Sun Salute A sequence... and it was magical! It touched so many yogis and yoginis in the class with smiles, serenity, tears and community.
A Yogi's Prayer
(Salutation to the Sun)
Arms held high I greet the day in salutation to the sun
Feeling beams upon my face I know the day has come
Forward bending I let go with gentle yogic grace
Lunging back with open heart I welcome life's embrace
With my back a plank straight and true I begin to turn within
Sinking now releasing on my knees and chest and chin
Cobra-like I stretch up feeling strength within the pose
Downward like a sunbeam I gain spiritual repose
Lunging forward easily feeling sweet release
Forward bending I relax welcoming the peace
Joyfully I stretch up to be all that I can be
Prayerfully I greet the God in you and the God in me
Namasté Namasté Namasté
Jennifer Veblen 2010